Bella and Beau are really enjoying the mountains. They get a long walk just about every day. We went on my new favorite walk yesterday along South Mills River. I love walks that follow creeks or rivers. The river was really high and rough. Bella was sorely tempted to go swimming, but had to content herself with just wading because the current was so strong. Bella has discovered she LOVES snow. She loves to eat it and rub her face in it. She also rolls over onto her back and scratches and slides around looking silly but adorable (see picture). Beau is a different dog than he was in Louisiana - he runs and frolics and goads Bella into chasing him. He thrives in the cooler weather. He caught an opossum yesterday; I screamed - he let it go. I don't think he knew what to do with the poor thing once he had it. It played dead for awhile and then it crept off. Beau also spotted a deer today, but even with his newfound energy the deer was way too fast for him - thank God. Anyway, all this activity really wears a puppy out ...