I have finally learned how to post stuff on this thing so here are some pics for your viewing pleasure. These are a sample of the bowls that I have been making since our move to greener pastures.
This one I turned from a log that I found in the Pisgah National Forest, so it's a true "tree to table" bowl. It is what is called a "natural edged bowl" because the bark is left on the edges. I gave it to our new neighbors David and Krista - they are really nice folks...

This was a fun little experiment that turned out pretty well. It's from a block of coconut palm. The grain looks like leopard fur. There is a great specialist hardware store in Asheville that sells a bunch of different and exotic wood. This is one of them.

Same bowl. I like the effect of this design. It looks like the bowl is almost passing through or emerging from a solid piece of wood.

This was a present for Papa and Susan. It is a piece of maple burl that I got from a guy in my woodturning group.

The grain is really striking and I especially like where the knot has fallen out and left that nice big hole you can see at the back. The rough front edge is kinda tricky to turn properly. You have to be very gentle with it.
Hey, if you don't like it, go and buy a cheap plastic one from Wal-Mart. Anyway, that is what I have been doing with a good chunk of my time. Brandi has done a good job updating folks on everything so I won't bother repeating it all.
In summary though, I'm great, Brandi's great, dogs and cats are great, weather's great, house is great, mountains are great, life is great. Out.